Judges and staff in the rings

Judges, protection helpers, judge assistants, etc. at HAS 2024 are as below:

To judge the HAS - the siegerschau for the Danish German Shepherd Club of Denmark - we have four experienced and competent judges, who with their usual expertise and commitment must and will ensure a fair and inspiring experience for all participants:

Michael Lumby
Jens Becker Olsen (ES)
Rene Jørgensen
Fritz Bennedbæk

Referee assistants
The skilled referee assistants, who work hand in hand with the judges to ensure that everything runs smoothly and professionally once again, are:

Lena Pichler Bjerre
Annemarie Mortensen
Leif Jørgensen
Jan Siebenhaar

Protection helpers
Last year, Pav and Martin did a formidable job as helpers in the protection work at HAS, and they once again roll up their sleeves:

Pav Andersen
Martin Hasager

Behind the scenes at HAS, two recurring staff members again, namely our skilled secretaries, work to register, organize and coordinate all details:

Simone Lumby
Tina Nørgaard

Last year, Lene passed on all information in the best possible way during the whole event, and she did so well that we safely hand her the microphone again:

Lene Carlson

Last but not least, our photographer, Randi, will once again capture all the unforgettable moments in a lasting memory for us all:

Randi Salzwedell